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"We are a family, there is no doubt. Even if one of us flies in and flies out"

My Fifo Family - DeanneMy Fifo Family believes that becoming a fifo/dido or even bibo family where one parent works away can be a positive and rewarding and lifestyle choice. My Fifo Family is dedicated to helping make this lifestyle choice a sustainable one by providing families with fun and engaging resources such as calendars, books and activity packs that you can use in your own home to help your children better understand and adapt to the fifo lifestyle.

I don’t feel children need to know all the ins and outs of adult cheap bactrim online life however, as a FIFO mum of two young children having your children understand when their fifo parent is away, where they are going and of course when they are returning, not only reduces stress from both parents but makes for a much happier fifo life.

My Fifo Family liaises with a number of child health professionals, child psychologists, resource companies and working away parents and their children.

For every purchase you make of My FIFO http://www.buyantibioticshere.com/buykeflex.html Family Calendars & Products, Bedivere will match a dollar-for-dollar donation to a total of $3,000.

Bedivere Group was founded to provide outcome-focused commercial services to any participant in a project supply chain, for the whole project lifecycle. Following several years of steady growth, we have expanded into the provision of legal services, business support services, and interim management, through our sister companies, Bedivere Corporate Services, and Bedivere Legal Services. We enjoy a diverse range of clients, from major ASX listed mining companies and contractors, to juniors, start-ups, and “mum and dad” businesses.

As a family-operated group of businesses, we understand the value of family, what it means to be close and the importance of spending quality time together. From our background in the mining industry, we also know how di cult it can be for families with a FIFO or working away parent to stay connected and how confusing and even upsetting it can be for children who may not understand why their parent is away.


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My Fifo Family donates a percentage of its profits to organisations and not for profits that support the health and wellbeing of the worker and their families. Through these donations My Fifo Family has been able to provide Ngala’s “Parents Working Away” workshops free of charge to FIFO Families, are subsidising places for OzHelp Foundation’s suicide prevention program “Conversations for Life” in the Pilbara, helping supply hundreds of books to remote families through the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation and working with Early Learning Centres and schools across Australia, providing free resources to working away families.

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