Blogathon entry – Aimee O’Brien “Hi Daddy”

“Hi Daddy” was the first of my hurdles here in WA as a miner’s wife.

My sweet 2 year old seemed to perfectly pronunciate these two words over and over to men at the shops, men in the cars in the lane beside us at stoplights and even to our male friends. He did not discriminate, didn’t matter if the men were old or young, black or white. Sometimes he got it spot on and called out to men in blue and yellow uniforms who were operating excavators or doing other types of labor jobs – this was more of what his daddy would resemble so at least it made some sense.

However none of it made sense to the girlfriends or wives of the men his “Hi Daddy’s” were directed buy real xanax online and alprazolam online pharmacy towards. And I can’t imagine it was funny to my husband when I told him that our son was having a hard time differentiating between strange men and his daddy.

If WA has taught me one thing, it is to not take life too seriously. I laughed every time my sweet little Mason waved his pudgy hand and insistently tried to connect with all these men. He has always had a fantastic sense of humor. Although I attribute this confusion and nonrecognition to his language development and my husband’s absence all happening at the same unfortunate and critical time rather than his ability to crack a joke.

It was valtrex one of the most apparent draw backs to this move down under and to the life of a FIFO worker.