
Check out the guest blogs entered in our Blogathon competition.

Take your time and read through these sometimes funny, insightful and poignant blogs written by our readers. Thank you to everybody who took the time to share their experiences with us.

The winner will be announced on Dec 5th. First prize will be $500 cash and an invitation to supply 3 guest blogs. The winner may promote their own blog (if they have one). Any queries feel free to email the team at Good luck and happy blogging!!!!


Blogathon entry – Madalyn Da Luz “Conversation with Daddy”

Cody’s daddy (my partner) flew out last Tuesday for the first time to Barrow Island. My son is 5 and just like most other 5 year olds he has a very vivid imagination and comes out with hilarious stories. The conversation first began when he asked me to show him on the map where daddy

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Blogathon entry – Reschelle Chesney “Some people get it and some people don’t”

FIFO…. Some people get it and some people don’t. This is all I can say when reflecting on the different reactions from our family and friends when we said Furious D (my husband – herein known as FD) was going into mining. A few times we were met with looks of amusement (those who knew

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Blogathon entry – Melinda Edwards “Extreme exercise”

The torture of yoga, walking and fifo. A couple of my girlfriends are the most beautiful, supportive and fit women in my life.  I am not one for the gym, but my exercise of choice is yoga. I am in a love/hate relationship with Bikram yoga. Birkam yoga the one where I sweat it out

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Blogathon entry – Kira Herlaar “Being a mum is hard…”

Being a mum is hard… Being a FIFO mum is extremely difficult… Wanna know why? Well let me say this, having no parenting help for 4 out of 5 weeks however still trying to include and co-parent from a distance while attempting to keep your relationship still hot and happening is no walk in the

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Blogathon entry – Katherine Reid – All I need “My FIFO life”

I went back to the gym 7 weeks after my second son was born. My pelvic floor probably wasn’t as keen as I was but I wanted to get my pre-baby body back and they have a crèche, I was desperate for some “me time”. Preparing for the expedition induced anxiety I hadn’t felt before

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Blogathon entry – Karla Jurczakowski “He had a dream”

He had a dream. A dream to make a better life for his family by working FIFO. I had a dream too, but mine changed often, so we went for his, being the most constant. The date should have been enough of a sign for what was in store for us… April 1st 2011. We

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Blogathon entry – Dee Burnside-Hooker “Those butterflies”

Those butterflies are in my stomach, the kind you get when you you’re going on a first date or a holiday. The day starts the same as any other day, I get up alone in my bed and I go for my morning walk, then I shower and I get ready, Doing my makeup I

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Blogathon entry – Damien Frank “The FIFO life”

No one knows, but those you know How hard this life is follow Always away from those you love Trapped inside your tiny room, with nothing but the ceiling above Trapped in a prison, told when to work and when to eat Without this job my life would be complete But money rules all and

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Blogathon entry – Courtney Snodgrass “Fifo and the divorce statistics”

After five years living the FIFO life, my husband and myself have come across quite a few stigmas and misconceptions that seem to be associated specifically with our lifestyle choices. It is hard to ignore the fact, that according to the mainstream media, our lifestyle means we are more likely to end up divorced. Numerous

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Blogathon entry – Beck “Airport run”

It was a middle of the night airport run in Melbourne. Bubs number three was a few months old and my husband had just finished a six week swing. I set my alarm for 9pm but slept through it. So I woke when hubby rang to ask where I was. I flew out of bed,

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Blogathon entry – Tara Nolan “I’m not lucky”

‘Lucky your husband has a good job’, ‘lucky he works away so you don’t have to put up with watching football’, ‘lucky you get so much time to yourself’, ‘lucky you don’t have to worry about money’, ‘my husband couldn’t bare to be away from me and our kids, lucky yours does’ The word ‘lucky’

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Blogathon entry – Nadine Campbell “Our Journey”

Derek & I met on March 28th 2009 and were inseparable from that day on, even moving into together approximately 4 months after meeting- we both hoped for a future together. We brought our first house in May 2011 and adopted a baby pug (the love of our lives) in August of that same year.

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Blogathon entry – Melanie Conlin “While you were gone”

Why is it, when our partner is away, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING goes wrong? As any FIFO partner will testify, either the day before they get back or the day your partner leaves, something always goes wrong. I want my husband to head off to work with confidence that we will be ok, and he doesn’t

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Blogathon entry – Melanie Conlin “Missing or Kissing”

I hate saying my husband has been gone from home for (insert number here) days. I prefer to say I have been missing him for said number of days. And, at the end of his stint, I start counting the days until we are kissing. So I came up with the tag, Missing or Kissing.

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Blogathon entry – Louise Wood “It’s a fifo life”

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard “but I bet the money’s good” my husband wouldn’t even need to work FIFO! Yes the earning power can be high, but let me be clear – we earn every cent. 5 years ago my husband (then boyfriend) and I were enjoying life in our

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Blogathon entry – James Dinnan “Fifo life!!!”

Fifo life!!! To be away for weeks and weeks on end, your new friends turn into family and family into distant friends Face time and Skype become your only way, to talk to kids and family every day For some the money is everything they can’t get enough, but for others the buy zolpidem pressure

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Blogathon Entry – Fiona Reid “So you’re really just like a single mother”

So you’re really just like a single mother…. How many times have I heard this. Too numerous to count. And each time I hear it my stomach tightens and I want to shout no I’m not!!! But I don’t. I don’t really say anything. I’m standing here at the kitchen bench eating my breakfast and

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Blogathon entry – Emma Stephens “Missing out”

While my husband is working away he often says how he wishes he didn’t miss out on so many things, he misses out on activities we do, milestones etc – I’m sure it is not uncommon among our FIFO partners. I try to tell him that we can do it again when he comes home

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Blogathon entry – Diary of a FIFO wife “I’m not a single parent”

Some of you already know me from my blog Diary of a FIFO Wife, for others this may be the first time you’re reading my thoughts… I can be opinionated at times (or so my hubby tells me) I never mean to offend but hey I guess that’s one of the risks I take by

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Blogathon entry – Bigger than the moon “My daddy isn’t here”

It was far too quiet. I’m always careful about quiet in my house, it usually means that someone is up to something. I know this from experience. Once my then two year old had allowed me to read too much of my magazine uninterrupted before I found he had decided to flood the bathroom by

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Blogathon entry – Amanda Starling “Hard Love”

When my husband and I met he was a FIFO worker. Eight years ago it was great. It was good for our relationship, the time away allowed us to miss each other and the time we had together was well spent. The pick-up was my favourite part of the FIFO life, I would get dressed

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Blogathon entry – Aimee O’Brien “Hi Daddy”

“Hi Daddy” was the first of my hurdles here in WA as a miner’s wife. My sweet 2 year old seemed to perfectly pronunciate these two words over and over to men at the shops, men in the cars in the lane beside us at stoplights and even to our male friends. He did not

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Our first ‘blogathon’ entry! “FIFO LIFE: Why I sent my husband away….”

Today Mr Four pointing to our world globe asked me where his daddy was. After a few spins, and a few guesses of here, and here and a few answers of “no son” that’s Russia, or that’s Switzerland, or that’s Ethiopia, we finally found where his daddy was. Placing a gold star over his daddies ‘work

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