Blogathon entry – Beck “Airport run”

It was a middle of the night airport run in Melbourne. Bubs number three was a few months old and my husband had just finished a six week swing. I set my alarm for 9pm but slept through it. So I woke when hubby rang to ask where I was. I flew out of bed, jumped in the car and drove the 50 minutes to Melbourne airport. I told my husband to wait at McDonald’s instead of the terminal.

As I arrived at the airport I pulled up at a red light I saw a hooded man crossing the road. I took little notice of him until he reached the back door and opened it. I panicked. Put my foot on the pedal and floored it through the red light.  I screeched alprazolam xanax online through the intersection and high tailed it into the BP/McDonald’s drive way.

My hand was furiously beeping the horn and I was screaming ‘help, he tried to car jack me’ over and over until a somewhat drunken man stumbled over to help.

After a brief explanation the somewhat drunk man saw the alleged carjacker and took off after him.

I rang my husband who should have been inside McDonald’s. It was then that I realised the carjacker was my husband with a beard and a new hoody.

I called off the somewhat drunken vigilante seconds before he hit my hubby. The drunken vigilante laughed, I felt sheepish and my husband was extremely confused.

Made me realize we should probably do shorter swings.