Blogathon entry – Dee Burnside-Hooker “Those butterflies”

Those butterflies are in my stomach, the kind you get when you you’re going on a first date or a holiday.

The day starts the same as any other day, I get up alone in my bed and I go for my morning walk, then I shower and I get ready,

Doing my makeup I am getting excited and I feel it all bubbling up inside of me, because today is not like the others, today is fly in day.

There are both ups and downs to the Fifo life, I spend three weeks not being single but being solo, Dinner for one, RSVP no plus 1, walks by myself, waking to an empty bed and missing my other half. Another thing I find hard is that he is finding it just as hard, Waking up not in this bed but in a single bed in a Donga that is his base for this 3 weeks, a different one each swing, That he works 21 days straight in weather that goes in extremes, missing home and all the events he can’t make it too.

Everyone takes to the life differently and although some people love the life and find the balance really great and others can’t stand it, I think I fit in the middle.

I find the weeks he is away hard and I always xanax online and buy xanax online usa count down, 1 week down, 2 weeks down, and then I count down the days, However I function well and I know that this life is only temporary, we have our goals in sight and on down days we focus on that.

As hard as it can be in those three weeks, fly in day is my favourite, as it is for many others who live this lifestyle.

Fly in day is a day of excitement bubbling up inside, a happy day filled with love, appreciation and lots of smiles. That day is full of emotion and is the start of a week that is so packed with quality time together that we value and cherish. A week that we enjoy waking up together, Going for dinner and lazing around and it all starts with those butterflies.

Those butterflies are not just for fly in day, Those butterflies are about the whole week I get to spend with the man I love, It’s like the first date all over again, and I get to experience that every 4 weeks. Those butterflies are my upside, The part of Fifo that always makes me smile.

Those butterflies make the sad days fade, lonely nights a blip in the radar, and the counting down, just a memory, those butterflies make my heart sing.