Category Tips

Make time to ask R U OK.

In the frantic lifestyle that we have, it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed with worries that life throws our way. I can speak from my own experience that keeping concerns or worries to yourself can cause them to escalate and consume day to day life.

As a bloke, and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say, I’m not the best at talking about feelings. The fear of being judged or feeling emasculated stop me from saying anything more than one word answers.

However when these issues or concerns are spoken about and I finally start to say what’s bothering me, the fear or worries that I have been harbouring in my head, which have gotten worse due to them spinning around my head, tend to reduce in magnitude.

So whilst at the time I might not be that appreciative of the person who has managed to get me to speak, in hindsight I can really appreciate the time and effort of those close to me who want to listen and help.

In today’s ordering klonopin online society 45% of the population will experience a mental disorder, so being able to help people talk about their worries and fears can only be a good measure in helping to reduce this alarming number.

So when you see someone at work who is a little out of sorts and isn’t their usual self, ask them, R U OK? Don’t let what others may think of you get in the way of showing genuine concern for someone, because we ourselves might need to be asked that exact same question in the future.

You don’t need to be a psychologist to ask this question, you just need to be a friend.

So on R U OK day, take time to think of the impact you may have on someone’s life by having a chat with them and helping them address their worries or concerns with buy kamagra online and always have a thought for your workmates behaviour and get used to asking, R U OK?

Visit to see how you can help.

- Paul


Make time to ask R U OK. In the frantic lifestyle that we have, it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed with worries that life throws our way. I can speak from my own experience that keeping concerns or worries to yourself can cause them to escalate and consume day to day life. As a

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FIFO; we’re not all on the same plane

So here we are on the brink of a resources recession or already in it and we start to see the great divide rear its ugly head. Those that are just trying to get ahead and concerned about the way the industry is heading and those that seem to be hell bent on just putting

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Helpful Hints for Backing Up your Data

Armoured with the following tips, make use of the Christmas Break to backup your irreplaceable family photos and data. You never think you will lose your files until it actually happens. If you haven’t experienced it first hand; you’ve certainly witnessed a friend going through it: That modern pain of total, irreparable data loss. It

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My little elf helper jar

With all the madness of Christmas it makes a big difference to have a few extra little tasks (especially the ones that are left to do at the end of the day) done for us. Children love responsibility and the my little elf helper jar is a great way for your kids to help around

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My Fifo Family Fruity Christmas Slice

This is a great recipe that the kids can help with. Not only does it makes plenty, so there is more than enough to eat for afternoon tea and wrap as gifts, you can  throw just about anything into it! I like to change it up a bit with oats, ground almond, sesame and hemp

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The art of giving

There is real joy in giving to those less fortunate. Not only does it greatly benefit those in need, it can be a positive and personally rewarding experience for you and your family. But where do you start? Well here are my 7 steps to giving this Christmas. 1. Do a little research and create

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